Katie and Alexa with Devon. Photo by Brenda Carpenter.

Katie and Alexa with Devon​
Laura hadn’t had a puppy in 30 years. “I had a Boston Terrier growing up. And even though I’ve had dogs since then, I had no experience training Boston Terrier puppies,” she explained. So when 10-week old Devon moved in and started nipping at Laura’s 9- and 6-year old daughters, she didn’t waste any time. “Both my vet and a friend recommended Pets in Motion for training help. I called and scheduled a New Puppy Orientation with Anne.”
Those razor-sharp puppy teeth were getting Devon into trouble. It wasn’t long before the girls were afraid to handle to her. “In just one visit, Anne explained why Devon was nipping and showed the girls how to handle her and react to the behavior. It gave them the confidence to manage Devon without fear,” Laura said. With practice and consistency the girls got Devon’s mouth under control. But not all of Anne’s training tips took time to master. “Less than 48 hours after our New Puppy Orientation, we got Devon to stop peeing in the crate. Anne showed us what to do and it worked.”
Still a puppy today, Devon has graduated from New Puppy Orientation to the Pets in Motion classroom. “They’re so organized and really know what they’re talking about,” said Laura. “And with our first puppy, this professional environment is exactly what we needed.”
About New Puppy Orientation
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